Complaint policy

Complaints Procedure of Hamer van Hussen Groenendijk

This is the complaints procedure of Hamer van Hussen Groenendijk. Hamer van Hussen Groenendijk makes every effort to provide you with the best possible service. Nevertheless, you may not be entirely satisfied with our services. In that case, you can appeal to our firm's internal complaints procedure.

In connection with the scheme, we request that you first submit your objections, preferably in writing, to the expert handling your case. If you cannot reach a solution with him/her, you can submit your complaint to our complaints officer Mr W.J. Hamer or to his deputy W. Schilder if your complaint concerns the former. We will then try to find a solution to the problem in consultation with you as soon as possible and notify you in writing.

The following are our rules of procedure for complaints submitted by us. If you have any questions about the content of our regulations, please contact the complaints officer mentioned above.

1. Definitions

Any reasonably identifiable, oral or written expression of dissatisfaction by (or on behalf of) the client regarding the service provided by the surveyor.

The client making a complaint or his representative.

Complaint procedure
The procedure used by our office for a handling of complaints.

Complaint document
The present document, being the written representation of the complaints procedure used at the office.

Complaints officer
The person, other than the expert against whom that complaint is directed, to whom the handling of that complaint has been delegated. The complaints officer is Mr W.J. Hamer, who can be contacted at

Complaints file
A file created by us for each complaint, in which all documents related to the complaint in question are stored.

2. Objectives

The objectives of the complaints procedure are:

I. To establish a procedure to deal constructively with complaints from clients within a reasonable period of time;

II. To establish a procedure to determine the causes of clients' complaints;

III. Maintaining and improving existing relationships through proper complaint handling, training employees in customer-focused response to complaints while striving to improve the quality of service.

Complaints Procedure
3. The internal complaints procedure
  1. When a client approaches our office with a complaint, the expert handling the complaint is informed about it.
  2. The expert concerned tries to reach a solution together with the client, possibly after consultation with the complaints officer.
  3. The expert concerned or the complaints officer, shall ensure proper handling of the complaint in accordance with the present complaints procedure.
  4. Confidentiality will be guaranteed under all circumstances.
  5. The decision on the complaint will be communicated to the client in writing.
  6. If you cannot agree with our proposed solution, we will, in consultation with the client, submit the complaint to the NIVRE Complaints Desk.

4. Registration and classification of the complaint

4.1 All complaints will be registered by the complaints officer by means of a complaint file to be kept for each complaint.

4.2 The complaint will be classified according to the nature of the complaint according to the following categories:

  • I. complaints about methods of/handling by the expert;
  • II. complaints about substantive aspects of service provision;
  • III. complaints about financial aspects of service provision;
  • IV. complaints about the firm in general;

4.3 A complaint may be divided into several classes.

5. Responsibilities
  1. The expert concerned and (subsequently) the complaints officer are responsible for handling and resolving the complaint.
  2. The complaints officer is responsible for the completeness of the complaint file.
  3. The expert concerned will keep the complaints officer informed about further handling of the complaint.
  4. The aim is to have the complaint settled in writing by the office within two months.
  5. The complaints officer will provide a response to the complainant.